Karina Zeng

Ingrid Huang
Olivia Tang

Yasmine Ross

Kevin Wu
Amy Li
Cindy Wei
Debbie Fu

current projects
The River Cleanup project was put in action in 2013 to improve the ecological conditions of Dragon Path Creek. Through the implantation of a filtration system in the river, we hope to improve water quality in the local community with the ultimate goal of creating a sustainable water system. In addition, we are also cleaning up its immediate surroundings with students from International School of Beijing and Kong Gang Elementary School. We have also been collaborating with several NGO’s who have helped our cause. This project is still in the development phase and we will continue to work towards our hopes.

Potted Plant Sale
The potted plant sale was newly initiated in 2015 with extreme success. It is a fundraiser planned to raise funds for river cleanup. We not only sold individually potted succulents but buyers had the choice to build their own terrarium.
During the annual Earth Day Overnight Campout event, members of the local community gather to reduce electricity usage by living on the International School of Beijing campus for one electricity-free night. Participants of the Earth Day Campout are asked to leave their mobile devices at home along with other electronic devices, throughout the Campout the participants engage in different games and begin to appreciate the world around them and become less dependent of electronic devices.

We planted over 1000 trees but were only able to guarantee the survival of just under 800 trees. This inability to ensure the survival of trees in the long run further goes to demonstrate the importance of saving them, and we continue to promote this idea throughout our local community. We also printed labels, for each type of plant on campus on recycled paper with only black and white ink, and attached them to their corresponding plant.
Mug Sponsoring
Before, the teachers lounge only provided paper cups for use which resulted in a large amount of waste. Because of this, we decided to hold a mug sale. We offered set and personalized designs for the mugs, and used the profit that we made to sponsor the teacher’s lounge with 150 coffee mugs. Greenkeepers has subsequently arranged a deal with our prior food catering company, Eurest, who promised to match with the same number of mugs that we sponsor.
Batteries contain potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide. These substances are harmful if exposed to us and to the environment if not properly disposed of. Because of this, we set up a local battery recycling box with a local battery recycling company. The company comes around to collect our batteries once every two years. Currently, the battery box is located near the HS Cafeteria and in all of the technology offices to prevent the batteries from being mixed in with the everyday trash.
science safari
We recognize that being aware of environmental issues especially from an impressionable age is imperative so we created the Science Safari to educate a younger audience in regards to environmental issues. The safari hosted many activities included "water tasting" which provided young students with basic survival skills. The Science Safari's purposes are now morphed into our current Annual Mug Sale and Annual Earth Day Overnight events.
paper towel campaign
Paper towel usage is a contributing factor to deforestation. To reduce the harm done to forests, Paper Towel usage awareness signs were put up, not only all across the school, but also in the local community. The Paper Towel conservation poster attempts to raise awareness and educate the public about being environmentally friendly.
Sichuan book drive
Over 7000 books were donated to the Huili County Experiment Middle School, Huili County Second Primary School, and Zhaojue County Middle School in the Sichuan province of China.